Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Seriously Dopey...

So, this weekend things got real.  I did my first back to back to back training runs in preparation for the Dopey Challenge.  It was also my first really long run since Berlin.  I've done a half marathon and a few 10s and 14s, but this weekend was my first 16 miler since August.  I sort of feel like the 16-20 milers are the real meat of marathon training and anything under that is just a base or foundation.  Crazy, even a little Dopey, when I think about that.  I still can't beleive I run that much for FUN.  Anyway, this weekend I did 5 miles Friday, 10 miles Saturday, and 16 Sunday.  I should also mention I did a 2 hour hike Saturday immediately after the 10 mile run, thinking it would be a nice active recovery, but in hindsight it probably made my 16 miler a little more painful than it needed to be.

Overall, for 3 days and 31 miles, it felt really good and I ran strong.  Friday was really really windy along the Charles River.  I think Accuweather said something like 35mph gusts.  I ran just over 5 miles averaging 10:00minute miles.  Saturday morning I did 10.5 miles averaging 10:40s.  Sunday I did 16 miles averaging 11:00s.  Both the 10 and 16 mile loop are pretty hilly.  The 10 less so than the 16.  The climbs really killed me.  I need to start training for the stair climb and doing more hills or something because I feel amazing and super fast on flats and downhills but still get totally spent on inclines.  That will really suck in February when I want to go up 41 floors as fast as I can - TWICE (or more).

With training ramping up and going great I am happy to report that my fundraising is right in step with me.
Thank you so much to everyone that has already donated.  It means SO much to me.  As of right now, I have raised $2650 ($2045 online + $605 offline).  That puts me just passing the 10K mark on the course and entering Framingham.  It's kind of a long flat and boring section of the course so I'd like to get to Natick and then on to the scream tunnel of Wellesley as soon as possible so if you haven't donated yet, help me get there and go to my fundraising page today to donate.  www.rundfmc.org/2014/alicial
You can also mail checks made out to "DFMC" to me directly at 406 East Merrimack St. Lowell, MA 01852    

Lots of fun things planned and going on over the next few weeks including taking an aerial silks class tonight and doing a paint n' sip wine tasting/painting class next week.  I think I can stir up some more trouble and cross off a few other items on my list before the year is over....maybe even sliding down a pole in a fire station....Stay tuned!

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